Assalamualaikum 😊
Hi semua 👋 Hopefully semua sihat. This post is the update version untuk post 'Bolehkan Perempuan Haid Mandi Swimming Pool/Berenang ?' Post tersebut di publish pada 2011 which is Say baru 13 tahun time tu. Say nak buat update version ni sebab dekat post tu Say tak cerita details or tips kan so dekat post ni Say akan share sedikit tips.
Say got a huge of comments and DM about this, which means korang still curious even dah baca my post tu so this post bertujuaan untuk menyingkirkan curiosity korang yang still tak yakin boleh ke tak mandi dekat swimming pool during period ? Sure ke swimming pool tu tak bertukar jadi warna merah nanti ? So here we go !
It been 7 years already after my old post. Sekarang umur Say dah 20 tahun. Sepanjang pengalaman Say, during my period kalau Say nak mandi swimming pool ke nak pergi Sunway Lagoon ke or nak mandi laut, Say just proceed. Never cancel it because its true girls bila you dah ada dalam air, darah tu tak keluar kejap because of pressure and the process will stop for a while.
So here are some tips :
🎕 Say advice untuk excuse dulu for the first day of period sebab Say tahu first day is like 'a lot'. Tapi kalau dah tak boleh nak elak nak buat macam mana kan, sebenarnya boleh je kalau nak swimming jugak. Doalah pada Allah semoga semuanya baik-baik sahaja.
🎕 Make sure you ganti dulu pad/pantie liner yang baru before nak swimming. Jangan buat hal okay !
🎕 Boleh choose nak pakai pad, pantie liner or free. Say tried all and my advice pakai pantie liner lah untuk protect you punya jarak perjalanan dari swimming pool ke toilet.
🎕 Bila you dah tukar pad/pantie liner yang baru for swimming, jangan lengah. Terus je swimming okay.
🎕 Bila you dah dekat swimming pool jangan rendam rendam kaki or main air manja-manja dulu tau, you terus je masuk swimming pool satu badan. It is because kita nak bagi pressure dulu.
My tips are all based on my experience okay. Tips Say ni boleh digunakan untuk orang yang period normal flow. Yang jenis heavy flow tu excuse lah sehari dua. Tapi ada yang DM Say, dia jenis yang heavy flow but still nak swimming and the process still stop and everything was fine, Alhamdulillah. Okay after swimming tu, your period will back to normal,InsyaAllah.
Girls, don't worries okay. Doa pada Allah, InsyaAllah Allah akan tolong kita. If korang ada nak tanya apa-apa or nak tahu lagi my experience, boleh comment, email or DM Say through SocMed okay ? Say happy bila dapat share information with you girls because ramai lagi yang curious about this. Hopefully this info can help you. Do follow my blog for the other journey.
Thank you for the almost 20,000 readers who find this kind of information in my blog 💗
Lots of Love,
Sayza Jazznie 💗
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